Our Dive Locations
The wider surroundings of the island of Ist offer various opportunities for diving. From tame shallow coves, steep rocky ridges, to caves and shipwrecks. Diving locations are divided into four zones, depending on the distance from the port on Ist.

Zone 1.
Zapuntel Pass
There are good positions in the passage area where you can see an abundance of marine life, octopuses and various fish. The depths range from 10 to 40 m, and the bottom is mostly sandy. There are also frequent underwater currents.
Kamenjak Island
There was a quarry on the island in Roman and medieval times. Therefore, in front of them is a multitude of semi-processed stone blocks that have accidentally or intentionally sunk into the sea. It is possible to see an abundance of fish down the rocky slope to the sandy bottom. They are up to 45 m deep.
Benušić Rock
A small rock surrounded by strong currents. The bottom is quite grassy, but it is possible to see different fish.
Crnikovac Island
A small island along Ist.
Zone 2.
Dimboka Bay
A narrow and deep bay that leads to greater depths. Considering the configuration of the terrain, it is possible to safely anchor and dive even with less experienced divers.
Vodenjak Island
The most beautiful part for diving is the northwest wall, which is overgrown with a veritable forest of gorgonians, some of which are more than a meter tall. In the past, red corals were also extracted there, but today you can see only tiny twigs well hidden in the cracks on the lower part of the wall.
Sestrice Islet
The terrain gradually falls from the surface to greater depth. The current can be quite strong. At a depth of 20 m, the first gorgonians start to appear. The deeper you descend, the more impressive the forest of these soft corals becomes. The scorpion fish, conger and monkfish are common. Depth is up to 55 m.
Dužac island
Visibility is excellent. The wall falls in steps from a depth of 3 m downwards. It is overgrown with yellow and red sponges, purple gorgonians and yellow and white stone corals. Various types of slugs can often be seen. And like everywhere else, there are plenty of scorpion fish, brown meagre and shoals of small fish. Depth up to 45 m.
The Rock of Funestral
This rock is considered one of the most beautiful dives because of the rich fish world. The bottom falls in steps from 3 m to the bottom. The current is quite strong, so in addition to schools of smaller fish, you will almost always meet larger fish, such as catshark, conger and greater amberjack. The bottom is rocky and overgrown with numerous algae, corals and mosses. Depth up to 25 m.
Galiola Rock
A small rock in the open sea. Got its name because it looks like a galley in sailing. Galiola is located on the outside of the island of Ist. It starts at 3 m, on the field of seagrass, and the terrain further descends to a greater depth. The lower part of the terrain is covered with purple gorgonians. Depth up to 35 m.
The island of Tramerka
A relatively large island that offers many different diving positions. The best position for diving is the outer wall of the island. From the surface, it cascades down to about 15 m, and then continues into a steeper wall. At a depth of 3 m there is an opening in the rock, which extends horizontally 20 m into the island. One diver can pass through the passage. The walls are lined with corals and sponges. On the lower part of the wall, there are scorpion fish and lobsters. Depth up to 50 m.
Zone 3.
Cape Škarda
It is located at the entrance to the passage between Ist and Škarda. There is a gap in the rock on the southwest side of the cape. From that place, head southeast. The terrain falls in steps to a depth of 30 m. You will be enchanted by the multitude of fish and gorgonians and very good visibility.
Škarda – Griparica bay
A deep and spacious bay facing south. Diving is possible in several places, and the depth does not exceed 40 m. The bottom is mostly sandy and overgrown with posidonia grass. Due to the configuration, it is also suitable for beginners on shallow parts.
Bačvica ridge
A wall starts from the surface, which on one side goes gradually to a depth of 20 m, and on the other side to a depth of 40 m. Everything is overgrown with sponges: orange, purple, red and black. Various types of crustaceans are often seen, especially the various crabs, and in the holes there are congers and scorpion fish. Depth up to 40 m.
Zone 4.
Molat - Cape Bonaster
The terrain gently falls from 5 to 25 m deep, where there is a plateau and a seagrass meadow. If you go down to a depth of 30 m, you will find amphorae lying on the sandy bottom. In addition to the amphora, you can see numerous sponges and stony corals.
Passage of Maknara shallows
Between Cape Bonaster on Molat and the islet of Golac in the Maknara passage is shallows, the top of which is 5 m high and descends like a canyon to a depth of 50 m. Due to the strong current that often changes direction, numerous schools of small blue fish and rich flora and fauna can always be found here. Depth up to 50 m.
Lagnići - the wreck of Michele
An Italian cargo ship, 70 m long, sank near the rocks of Lagnići in 1983, and due to exposure to the sea conditions on the surface it quickly rotted. Diving is attractive because of the size of the ship and the visibility. The greatest depths do not exceed 7 m, so it is a suitable position for beginners as well.
Lagnići rock
A beautiful underwater wall that descends from the surface to a depth of 45 m. As the visibility is excellent, you will enjoy the colorful colors of corals, gorgonians, fish, lobsters and other marine organisms.
Sestrunj - Ledenik wreck
Ledenik is an iron cargo ship 70 m long, which sank off the coast of the island of Sestrunj in 2008. It is located at a maximum depth of 28 m, so it is suitable for diving exploration, even by less experienced divers.
Premuda - Široka Bay, Cathedral cave
A system of caves along the southern coast of the island of Premuda. Given the configuration and dimensions of the caves, diving is fun and relatively safe. The depths range from 20 to 30 m. In the bay there is a reef known as the "Cathedral" due to its domed shape and numerous cracks and crevices through which sunlight penetrates at noon and creates a unique play of light, sea and shadows. On the upper, shallower part, shoals of blackfish always, salpa and numerous smaller fish swim, while in the crevices you can often see brown meagre, white seabream. In addition to the shallows itself, the wall located just before Široka bay is also very beautiful.
Grebeni shallows
Grebeni shallows is located north of Grebeni rocks. The top is at 2 m, and the bottom gradually descends to a depth of 30 m. Grebeni are three larger rocks: western, northern and southern. The upper part of all the rocks is shallow and overgrown with vegetation. The terrain falls in steps towards the bottom. After 15 m of depth, the bottom turns into stone, overgrown with sponges, corals and mosses. The current is quite strong. Visibility is very good. Depth up to 30 m.